
May 31 National Post Letter

I was astonished at the clear one-sided bias that was displayed in the letters shown regarding the recent move by CUPE President Sid Ryan. All contributors need their own lesson in Politics, Geography and Economics. To address the comment that Israel is the only 'real democracy' in the Middle East - you may be right, but lets dissect this comment. The Saudi Royalty wouldn't consider democracy because that would lead to sharing of oil profits; Iran and Iraq - we can thank the meddling of the United States for both of their failures in terms of democracy, and Kuwait, consider it Saudi Arabia Lite. The most important of all though is the Palestinian people - first of all, they are not given the basic Human Rights of a State due to Israeli bureaucratic influence, and when given the opportunity to have a free vote - Hamas is elected, and its condemned by the international community.
As for the comment regarding that Sid Ryan is either an imbecile or an anti-Semite - I don't even know where to begin. I will not disagree with him being a leftist imbecile - but I would most definitely disagree that this situation is as clear-cut as two possibilities. It is this type of narrow-mindedness and the constant resort to 'racism' that is at the crux of the Middle East issue. Mr. Ryan has made a misguided and controversial first step in supporting a people that have been oppressed for the better part of this century - not to take away from the previous oppression that people of Jewish descent were subjected to, but maybe I could suggest you speak to your elders and ask them how it felt - then try to turn that into unilateral support for a true peace, not a segregated stalemate of oppression and name calling. If someone destroyed my house I would not be fighting for my State, nor democracy, nor ideology - I would be fighting for my own right to exist as a person - that is what the Palestinians are doing. "Jealous of our freedom, I can't believe you bought that excuse"

Jeremy Boorman

What happens when an Editor gets their hands on your work:


Here's what I was thinking of.


Re: CUPE's Misguided Attack On Israel, letters to the editor, May 30.
I was astonished at the biase displayed in these letters regarding the recent
move by CUPE president Sid Ryan. Your contributors are the ones who "need a
lesson in politics, geography and economics." The comment that Israel is the
only "real democracy" in the Middle East may be right, but let's not forget
about the Palestinians. While they are not given the basic rights of a
state due to Israeli bureaucratic influence, they did recently hold a free
vote, with Hamas elected.
Another writer commented that Sid Ryan is either an imbecile or an
anti-Semite. While I will not disagree that he's a leftist imbecile, I would
disagree that this situation is as clear-cut as two possibilities. It is
this type of narrow-mindedness [and constant hit of racism] (had to argue for this part) that is at the crux of the Middle East issue.
Mr. Ryan has made a misguided and controversial first step in supporting a
people that have been oppressed for the better part of this century. If
someone destroyed my house I would not be fighting for my state, nor
democracy, nor ideology - I would be fighting for my own right to exist as a
person. That is what the Palestinians are doing.
Jeremy Boorman, Aurora, Ont.

Paul Russell
Letters Editor
National Post


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